M4 - V3 Ranges Module
For liquidity owners to manage UniswapV3 LP positions within a specified price range.
Module Overview The Module is designed to adjust LP positions dynamically, keeping them within a predetermined range as the token price fluctuates. This approach aims to optimize LP liquidity provision on UniswapV3. This range ensures that LPs maintain a balanced exposure to the token's price movements. The module can dynamically reposition LPs to align with the desired range. LP holders can ensure that their positions maintain a narrow range relative to the current reserves.
Parameters and Inputs
PositionRange: LP positions are adjusted to stay within a range of the current token price.
MinPriceSlip: determine the threshold for triggering position adjustments. Only price movements beyond this threshold will prompt the module to make changes to LP positions.
TradingInterval: sets the frequency at which trading actions are performed.
QueryInterval: Sets the frequency at which price queries are triggered.
Gas Limit: Sets the maximum gas limit allocated for executing the strategy.
Performance Metrics
Total fees earned by the liquidity provider (LP) within the specified price range using the M4 - V3 Ranges Module.
Frequency the module rebalances the LP positions to keep them within the desired price range. A higher frequency may indicate more proactive position management.
Compare the ROI achieved in the specified range against the ROI in a different range to assess the module's effectiveness in maximizing LP returns.
Last updated